Ísfell is a leading company in sales, service, and design of fishing gear. The company works according to the highest standards of quality and personal service. Ísfell’s services are characterized by outstanding employees with extensive experience, specialized knowledge, and business reliability. The company offers wide range of fishing gear.
Longline, gill net and jig fishing
Ísfell is at the forefront of companies that provide fishing equipment for longline, gill net and jig fishing. Ísfell does not only offer a wide range of fishing equipment, but also specialize in various support supplies that contribute to the fishing being as effective and efficient as possible. Ísfell offers outstanding service to ensure that the equipment lasts as long as possible.
Purse seines
Ísfell designs and produces high quality purse seines for capelin, herring and mackerel fishing. With decades of experience in design and craftsmanship, the equipment is tailor-made to meet the highest requirements of customers. The best available materials from manufacturers are used in production at any given time, such as nets from King-Chou and Garware. Ísfell´s service location in the Westman Islands specializes in installation and repair of nets, where our values are: Knowledge - Service - Quality

Pelagic trawls
Ísfell produces pelagic trawls for capelin, herring, mackerel and blue whiting. Only high-quality materials from well-known manufacturers are used in the production. The trawls are designed by our staff, who have decades of experience in setting up and handling fishing gear. The trawls are designed with the aim of maximizing fishing capacity, being light to tow, sturdy, easy to use and durable. The pelagic trawls are tailor-made for each ship according to engine size and towing power. In the company’s product development process, computer simulation and flume tank tests are performed to achieve the desired characteristics. In this process, strong collaboration with the users of the fishing gear is important. This way, Ísfell promotes innovation and continuous improvement.
MOREBottom trawls
Ísfell is a leading company in design, development, and production of bottom trawls. The company offers bottom trawls tailored to individual needs, for different conditions and fish species. The bottom trawls are designed in various shapes and sizes whether for one, two, or three-trawl fishing. Great emphasis is placed on reducing the resistance of the fishing gear so that it is light in towing, the fishing ability is sufficient and maintenance costs minimized. The choice of materials for the fishing gear is a major factor in achieving good results. In the last few years, new and better materials have been emerging with better results and durability. In the company’s product development process, computer simulation and flume tank tests are performed to achieve the desired characteristics. In this process, strong collaboration with the users of the fishing gear is important. This way, Ísfell promotes innovation and continuous improvement.
Shrimp trawls
Ísfell is one of the leading companies in the design and manufacturing of shrimp trawls. The trawls are manufactured using the best available material and designed in close cooperation with the captains and the ship’s specifications regarding engine size and winch equipment. It is also important to keep the length and weight of the Rockhopper...

Can we be of assistance?

Birkir Agnarsson
(KAM) Key account manager - Technical sales trawls, purse seines and service

Einar Sævarsson
(KAM) Key account manager - Line, bait & gillnet

Grétar Björnsson
(KAM) Key account manager - Trawl wires & trawls doors

Gunnar Þorsteinsson
Sales - Line, bait and net

Jónas Logi Sigurbjörnsson
(KAM) Key account manager - Technical sales trawls and service

Kári Páll Jónasson
(KAM) Key account manager - Technical sales shrimp trawls and service

Kristján Hauksson
(KAM) Key account manager - Technical sales trawls and service

Oddgeir Oddgeirsson
(KAM) Key account manager - Technical sales trawls and service

Þorvaldur Sigurðsson
(KAM) Key account manager - Technical sales trawls and service