

Ísfell was founded in February 1992 by Pétur Björnsson, Hólmsteinn Björnsson, Páll Gestsson and Jón Leóssson. The company’s initial activities consisted of importing fishing gear and materials for fishing gear. Through internal growth, acquisitions and mergers of companies that fit well with the company’s operations, Ísfells has prospered and become a successful company in operation.

The biggest change in Ísfell’s corporate operations was in 2003 when Icedan and Ísfell were united under the name Ísfell. With that change, Ísfell went from being a wholesale company to wholesale and fishing gear manufacturer.

Ísfell´s inner growth through the decades

Ísfell stofnað / Ísfell founded
Ísfell kaupir Innkaupadeild LÍÚ / Ísfell acquires Innkaupadeild LÍÚ
Ísfell hefur starfsemi á Nýfundnalandi / Ísfell starts operation in Newfoundland
Ísfell kaupir Veiðarfæralager Íslenskra Sjávarafurða / Ísfell acquires Veiðarfæralager Íslenskra Sjávaravurða
Ísfell kaupir Sjókó / Ísfell acquires Sjókó
Ísfell og Netasalan sameinuð í Ísfell-Netasalan ehf. / Ísfell and Netasalan merge into Ísfell-Netasalan ehf.
Ísfell-Netsalan ehf. og Icedan sameinuð í Ísfell / Ísfell-Netsalan ehf. and Icedan merge into Ísfell
Ísfell kaupir Netagerð Höfða á Húsavík / Ísfell acquires Netagerðin Höfði in Húsavík
Ísfell kaupir Netagerðin Ingólfur / Ísfell acquires Netagerðin Ingólfur
Ísfell kaupir Veiðarfæragerð Hornafjarðar ehf. / Ísfell acquires Veiðarfæragerð Hornafjarðar ehf.
Ísfell kaupir Netagerð Jóns Holbergssonar / Ísfell acquires Netagerð Jóns Holbergssonar
Veiðarfæragerð Hornarfjarðar ehf selt / Veiðarfæragerð Hornarfjarðar ehf sold
Ísfell kaupir Kristbjörgu á Ólafsfirði / Ísfell acquires Kristbjörg in Ólafsfjörður
Ísfell kaupir Dímon Línu / Ísfell acquires Dímon Lína
Ísfell hefur starfsemi á Sisimiut, Grænlandi / Ísfell starts operation in Sisimiut, Greenland
Starfsemi á Nýfundnalandi seld / Operation in Newfoundland sold.
Ísfell kaupir Net ehf. / Ísfell acquires Net ehf.
Húsnæði Arctic Odda keypt á Flateyri. Grunnur lagður að þjónustu við fiskeldisiðnaðinn / Facility at Flateyri acquired for aquaculture.
Ísfell kaupir Tæknivík ehf. (nú Marís) / Ísfell acquires Tæknivík ehf. (now Marís)
Ísfell opnar verslun á Patreksfirði / Ísfell opens a store at Patreksfjörður
Ísfell verður hluthafi í Netastofunni, Færeyjum / Ísfell becomes shareholder at Netastovan, Faroe Islands

The Operation

Ísfell´s headquarters together with the main warehouse for all the company’s offices in Iceland are at Óseyrbraut 28 in Hafnarfjörður, Iceland. The company operates 8 service and production units throughout the country, located at: Akureyri, Hafnarfjörður, Húsavík, Ólafsfjörður, Patreksfjörður, Sauðárkróki, Vestmannaeyjum and Þorlákshöfn.

Design, development, and manufacturing

Ísfell places a great emphasis on product development which has led the company to being leading in designing, developing, and selling fishing gear for over three decades. As well, Ísfell sells a range of fishing and aquaculture products, rescue products, binding products and various consumables. A key aspect of product development within Ísfell is our good cooperation with our suppliers, fishing companies, fishermen, and clients to understand their needs and expectations. During the development process we a led by the most recent environmental and safety standards.

Cooperation with Selstad A/S

Ísfell works closely with Selstad AS in Norway in manufacturing fishing gear and fish farming cages. We work together in collaboration in designing a range of fish farming cages, bird nets, and seine nets as requested and needed. All products sold by Ísfell are certified according to NS9415.

One of the most advance aquaculture service station in Iceland

In the year 2019, Ísfell built one of the most advanced service stations for fish farming at its headquarters in Hafnarfjörður. At the service station the net bags are washed and disinfected, the nets and its components are inspected, strength tests are carried out and repaired if necessary.

Strong safety culture

Strong safety culture within companies is becoming more visible than ever before. Ísfell assists customers with minimizing risk within their working environment. This is done by Ísfell in following way:

Quality and extensive knowledge

Our employees have extensive knowledge. We help each other succeed by working together as one team. That way we help our customers succeed by providing outstanding service and solutions. In close cooperation with our customers, Ísfell encourages both innovation and continuous improvement.