PoliciesPolicy and response plan against bullying, sexual and gender-based harrassment and violence (EKKO).

Policy and response plan against bullying, sexual and gender-based harrassment and violence (EKKO).

Ísfell leggur áherslu á góðan starfsanda, þar sem ríkir traust, trúnaður, jafnræði og hreinskilni milli allra starfsmanna. Starfsmönnum ber að temja sér kurteisi og háttvísi í framkomu og sýna hver öðrum tilhlýðilega virðingu og jákvætt viðmót. Allir á vinnustaðnum þurfa að leggja sitt af mörkum til að fyrirbyggja neikvæða hegðun og stuðla að góðum samskiptum, starfsánægju og öruggu umhverfi.

Bullying, sexual harassment, gender-based harassment and violence will under no circumstances be tolerated in the workplace. The individual’s experience is paramount of importance when discussing bullying and other undue behavior. Every victim must judge for him/herself what conduct he/she tolerates, from whom, and report if he/she is offended.


The policy and response plan enforce the established legislation, Article 38 of Act No. 46/1980 on Working Conditions, Health and Safety at Work, together with Regulation no. 1009/2015 on measures against bullying, sexual harassment, gender-based harassment and violence in the workplace:

Any conduct which results in, or could lead to, physical or psychological harm or suffering to the victim, including the threat, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty.


An employer is not permitted to bully an employee or employees in the workplace. An employer is also not permitted to sexually harass the employee or employees as well as on grounds of gender or use them violence in the workplace.

The employer shall arrange working conditions at the workplace in accordance with a written plan for safety and health at work pursuant to Chapter II in such a way as to reduce the risk of situations likely to lead to bullying, sexual harassment, gender-based harassment or violence in the workplace.

The employer is obliged not to allow bullying, sexual harassment, gender-based harassment or violence in the workplace to take place in the workplace and shall make clear to employees that such behaviour is not permitted.

In the course of proceedings, the employer shall exercise prudence and discretion in his actions with private interests of the employees concerned, inter alia, by not disclosing information on a case to unauthorized persons and ensuring that external parties who may be involved in the proceedings do the same.


Employees are not permitted to bully another employee or other employees, as well as the employer concerned in the workplace. Employees are also not permitted to sexually harass any other employee or other employee, as well as the employer concerned on grounds of gender or use them violence in the workplace.


ÍÍsfell will take action against employees who bully, harass or abuse others, e.g. by reprimand or dismissal. A professional specializing in such matters will be called upon to review the issue in question with the victims and the perpetrator. While a case is being processed, support will be provided from the psychologist to the victims and the perpetrator as needed. However, if an assessment of the circumstances leads to the absence or absence of bullying, harassment or violence in the workplace, action shall be taken to eliminate the circumstances complained of or pointed out, if the situation persists, as well as in order to prevent the situation from re-occurring.


The policy and response plan must be introduced to new employees at the beginning of work to prevent bullying, sexual harassment, gender-based harassment and violence. The policy and response plan are then reviewed regularly during staff meetings.


If an incident does not fall directly under EKKO, the victim or employee/s who witnesses an incident shall always inform the relevant supervisor so that the appropriate and corrective action can be taken. If the supervisor is the perpetrator or not present at the point when an incident occurs, Ísfell´s Safety Committee shall be informed of the matter. The Safety Committee is bound by an oath of confidentiality and will ensure the resolution of the matter.