Ísfell is a leading company in design, development and sale of fishing gear, sale of aquaculture, safety, hoist- and fall protection equipment and other operational goods
Beam lifting system
Beam- og sheetclamp
Chain sling
Container lifting hooks
Dee and Bow shackle for lifting
Eyebolt, eye nut and pivot links
Fall arrest block
Hooks for lifting
Karabiner and hooks for fall arrest
Manual, electric, and air hoists
Master link
Rescue equipment
Safety harness
Shackle for lifting
Various fall protection equipment
Various lifting equipment
Wire rope for lifting
Blokcam camera system
Chain hoist - Delta DEH
Chain hoist - Delta Red
Chain hoist - VSIII
Chain hoist - Yale Mini 360
Electric chain hoist - Stahl
Electric chain hoists - Delta DTS
Lever Hoist - Delta Alum
Lever hoist - Delta Red
Lever hoist - Ergo 360° UT
LMG Cable grips - Yale
Puller - Handy
Ratchet lever hoist - UNOplus
Ratchet lever hoist model PT
Straightpoint - H-lás
Straightpoint dynamometer - Bluelink
Straightpoint Loadsafe - Insight
Straightpoint wireless tension load - Radiolink plus
Trolley - Delta
Trolley - HTG
Trolley - HTP
Yale ratchet lever hoists - AL
Yale Ratchet lever hoists - Ergo 360°